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Full-Time Pastor Full Time

Altizer Baptist Church

Huntington, WV



God is good! With His guidance, Altizer Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking a full-time Pastor!
Who We Are
We are a Jesus-loving, God-worshipping, Bible-believing, family of believers. We are also hurting. Our beloved Pastor of 50 years entered glory in July 2024. Although he left big shoes to fill, we are trusting and believing God is already preparing the heart of the next shepherd for Altizer Baptist Church.
We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and fully adhere to The Baptist Faith & Message 2000. We are members of the West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists and the Greater Huntington Baptist Association. We are also supporters of NAMB and IMB. We have a strong passion for children’s & youth ministry. (In fact, our largest outreach is Vacation Bible School. VBS is done BIG here at Altizer Baptist Church!) Currently, we hold Sunday School, Worship Service, and Children’s Church on Sunday mornings. Our Sunday morning attendance can average anywhere from 45 – 60 people. On Wednesday nights, our elementary-aged kids participate in “Children in Action,” and we have an amazing group of teenagers who make up a solid, growing Youth Group. We also have an in-depth Bible Study for adults on Wednesday evenings.
Our main worship style is contemporary, with some sprinkled in hymns on occasion. Worship is led by a Praise Team and Media Team, both of which operate on a volunteer basis. We also have a team of church members who give their time in the nursery. Our beloved church family is made up of all ages. We have babies, children, teens, young adults, adults, and our sweet elderly.
Where We Are
Altizer is a small community nestled in the heart of Huntington, West Virginia. It’s home to several churches, a park, and a public elementary school. While most of our church members live in Altizer, we also have several that make the commute every week. We consider our Altizer community and the elementary school to be our main areas of outreach. We would love to expand our borders to reach more of the city of Huntington and the surrounding tri-state.
Who We Are Looking For
We are looking for a Pastor matching the description found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-9. We want someone with formal education/training, and a heart for Jesus and His people. Since we strongly believe in the power of prayer and giving, we would like a Pastor who does the same. This spiritual leader should have beliefs that fully align with The Baptist Faith & Message 2000. We need someone capable of deepening our knowledge of The Bible, while also teaching us how to apply Biblical truths to daily life. A compassionate, but discerning heart is something that would really help our hurting congregation move forward. We need a shepherd with strong leadership skills and the ability to inspire others to grow in their faith. Last, but not least, a high priority for children’s ministry is a must.
What We Are Looking For
We expect our Pastor to deliver weekly sermons on Sunday mornings and lead adult Bible study on Wednesday nights. Our Pastor would need to perform wedding ceremonies and funeral services held in our church. We would also like for him to be available for general pastoral care, visitation, guidance, and spiritual counseling to members in need.

Thanks for your consideration! Resumes may be emailed to [email protected] until April 20, 2025 (Easter Day.)

To apply for this job email your details to AltizerBaptistPastorSearch@gmail.com

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