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Pastor Full Time

Bluegrove Baptist Church

Bluegrove, TX



The Bluegrove Baptist Church Senior Pastor is the only full time member of staff. The duties of the pastor include preaching for the Sunday morning service and leading Sunday night Prayer Meeting, witnessing to the lost in the community, and visiting the sick and elderly members of the congregation. The pastor is both a leader and encourager for the congregation as they seek to grow, worship, and serve together by living the Great Commission in the community. Salary/benefits are $50,000+ depending on education and experience. A three/four bedroom parsonage is provided.

Bluegrove, TX in Clay County is a rural community located about thirty miles southeast of Wichita Falls and ninety miles northwest of Fort Worth. Sunday morning attendance averages in the fifties. The surrounding community and church membership are a combination of families who have lived in the area for generations and more recent arrivals who love country living.

To apply for this job email your details to bluegrovebaptistpastorsearch@gmail.com

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