Pastor Full Time
Central Community Church
ActiveCentral Community Church in Smith Center, Kansas is looking for their next Pastor. This is a full-time position.
About our Community Central Community Church is in a rural farming community, population 1,400, located in north-central Smith Center, Kansas. We have local shopping stores that provide basic needs and larger shopping areas are eighty miles away. Smith Center has a strong community spirit, especially through our schools, and Central Community Church is involved in the community in many ways. The local churches cooperate, including emergency ministry needs of the community.
About our Church Our church was planted by the Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists on January 1, 2011. The church plant pastor served the church through 2017, and during this time, the church grew from six attendees to an average attendance of thirty-five. We called our second pastor in 2018, who remained through 2020. Our church has attendees of all ages and stages in life. We currently have an interim pastor and are experiencing a time of growth in our Sunday Worship Service. Our church has grown since its inception through fulfilling both our purpose and vision. Our church’s mission: To worship and serve God and fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as set forth in Matthew 28:19-20 and the Great Commandment as set forth in Matthew 22:37-40. Our church’s vision: We will be a place of light, where people will find people serving Christ and sharing the Hope they have by: restored lives, transformed families, making and maturing disciples, raising leaders, and ultimately changing the community by being committed to Christ and serving the Kingdom.
About the Position Our pastor role will be a full-time position with compensation beginning at $36,000 per year commensurate with experience and education, with the use of the adjacent parsonage included. A willingness to shepherd in a small, rural farming community is needed. A love for people and a burden for the lost, with the ability to connect and relate are musts.
Our expectations for our pastor are:
- Be born again and able to share your personal testimony of conversion and commitment to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Meet the Biblical qualifications of a pastor as found in I Timothy 3, Titus 1, and I Peter 5:1-4.
- Be in full agreement with the doctrinal statement of the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
- Search for ways to serve and outreach to our community while proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
- Teach God’s Word on Sunday mornings.
- Disciple the congregation into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Engage in pastoral care ministries.
- Provide administrative leadership in the life of the church.
- Seminary training is a plus but not required.
To be considered for the position we have available, please include the following supporting documents:
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Applicable References
- Links or recordings of Sermons and messages
Information can be sent to our Pastor Search team via email to [email protected] by clicking on Apply for Job below.
To apply for this job email your details to
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