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Pastor Part Time

Charleroi Baptist Churh

Charleroi, Pennsylvania



The Church

Charleroi Baptist Church has an average attendance of 15 people of all ages.  We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.  We are seeking a long-term Pastor who will preach the Word of God, shepherd the congregation and equip the church for works of service. The position is bi-vocational to start, but it is our desire to have a full-time Pastor dedicated to working with the congregation to make disciples and share the gospel message with the community of Charleroi and surrounding Monongahela Valley area.  We are eager to grow with the next Pastor that God is calling to lead in Charleroi. It is our desire to rely on the Word of God as the final authority in all matters of doctrine, conflict resolution and operation.

The Candidate

He must be able to prepare and preach sermons for the Sunday Morning Worship Service, and lead prayer meetings/bible study during the mid-week service.
Preach the Bible at all services scheduled for that purpose except for leaves for vacation, illness, emergencies, and other reasons approved by the Church Council.
Lead in implementing programs and procedures to carry out the teaching of the Bible and of the philosophy of ministry.
The Qualifications

The general qualifications as described in 1 Timothy and Titus shall apply to the man in this position. In addition he must:

Have 5 years experience in a Sothern Baptist Pastoral ministry.
Have accredited seminary education.
Be able to faithfully teach the Word.
Be able to effectively lead the church in carrying out its duties.
Have a caring/pastoral heart and be able to give Biblical counseling.
Be extremely adept at using God’s word in meeting the needs of the flock.
Be in agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message of 2000 statement of doctrinal positions of the church.
Maintain God-ordained priorities in his life.
Demonstrate a Christ-like attitude through all interactions with the congregation, and the community.
Invest in and invite the lost to know Jesus and come to CBC.
Exhibit a personal and growing relationship with God and maintain a teachable spirit.
Show a willingness to relate to the unique needs of the congregation.
Be a self-motivated leader capable of creating and executing a long-term vision.

            To be negotiated within the range of $15,000 to 20,000.

To apply for this job email your details to cbcatcharleroi@gmail.com

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