Pastor Full Time
Charlestown Road Southern Baptist Church
ActiveAt Charlestown Road Southern Baptist Church, we are currently searching for a Pastor to lead our small congregation that we look forward to what God has in store for us at CRSBC. We are seeking a Pastor that reflects the scriptural example set forth by 1st Timothy 3. We desire that he display scriptural discipline, be self-motivated and have a desire to motivate others. As we wait for the man God has for our church we are looking for Pulpit Supply Help as well for Sunday Mornings and if that man feels the desire for the Lord to call Him there then that can be brought to the committee. As a Pastor/Pulpit Supply, He should have a strong and supportive family environment. He must believe the Bible is the inherent and infallible word of God and affirm the Baptist Faith and Message (2000). CRSBC is located in a populated residential area with great church growth potential. We have a weekly food ministry, growing children’s ministry, Sunday School for all ages and services on Sunday morning Sunday evening and Wednesday evening. Our church facilities currently include, in addition to our sanctuary, a fellowship hall, kitchen, classrooms, nursery and offices. We are located 15 minutes from Downtown Louisville and many other areas other areas of residential land industrial growth. Currently our congregation is small but growing (average 25-30 Sun AM service) so, at this time compensation will not allow a full-time salary. The position we seek would be for a full-time/bi vocational Pastor, realizing that while we continue to grow our Pastor would likely require secondary employment to supplement his income. This bi-vocational option is agreeable, so long as it does not disrupt the duties as Pastor for our church. As we continue to grow we will seek compensation as we grow and flourish. Requirements:
- The Pastor must meet the qualifications of a pastor as set forth in, 1st Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9.
- The Pastor must agree and adhere to our Church Constitution and By-Laws.
- He must be someone who devotes himself to prayer, Acts 6:4.
- He must be a Godly example to the church (1st Peter 5:1-3) and community.
- Prepare Holy Spirit led sermons and deliver them on Sunday mornings and evenings.
- Lead Wednesday night Bible Study.
- Perform Biblical baptisms, weddings, funerals, and Holy Communion.
- Visit sick, elderly, and homebound.
If you feel led, please via email to the Pastor Search Committee at [email protected] the following information:
- Current resume
- Testimony and/or Bio
- Reference list
- Any additional information/document you feel led to submit
Upon receipt of the items above, you will receive a questionnaire and some additional church documents for review. It is requested that the questionnaire be returned to the Pastor Search Committee within 72 hours to be considered. You are more than welcome to browse our social media platforms for any extra info and/or research about our church. * Our Facebook Page: * Instagram: @crsbc2404 * Twitter: @crsbc2404
To apply for this job email your details to
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