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Children’s Ministry Director Full Time

Concord Church

13775 Tesson Ferry Rd, St. Louis, MO 63128



Children’s Ministry Director – Job Description
Job Type: Full-Time, Exempt
Senior Staff Job Description – Comprehensive

Job Summary:
To provide leadership, vision, and direction to staff and volunteers that create a life-giving atmosphere
of vibrant and enticing evangelism, discipleship, and worship for the children of Concord Church and
their families. To work directly with Senior Pastor and other pastoral staff to incorporate children’s
ministry into the overall mission of the church to help people of all ages and abilities Connect, Grow,
and Serve.

Experience and Knowledge Required:
• Ability to communicate the Gospel to children through various means and teach others to do the
• Leadership background and experience serving children and their families.
• Ability to articulate and implement the vision of Concord Church.
• Exceptional, proven leadership and communication skills with staff and volunteers.
• Superior interpersonal skills working with people of all ages and abilities.
• Solid theological grounding and creativity in kids’ ministry curriculum selection and/or
• Positive attitude and positive approach to problem-solving. Must be solution-oriented.
• Computer competency and/or ability to learn quickly in Planning Center, Microsoft Office (Word,
PowerPoint, Excel) etc.
• Strong organizational and time management skills and pursuit of excellence through attention to
• Ability to plan for continued personal and ministry growth.
• Preferred – experience including children with neurodiversity and various skill and ability levels.
• Preferred – some college completed successfully.

Essential Functions and Responsibilities:
• Manage all aspects of ministry to children from birth to 5th grade at Concord Church.
o Maintain strong communication and relationship with Senior Pastor to ensure the
vision of the church is implemented in all aspects of children’s ministry.
o Collaborate with Senior Pastor to analyze effectiveness of the ministry and adjust as
o Track growth for future development.
• Lead and train ministry teams
o Recruit, develop, and train high-quality leaders for volunteer roles to execute all aspects
of children’s ministry for weekend and midweek classes and services.
o Recruit, develop, and train high-quality staff as required for the children’s ministry.
o Develop and oversee the implementation of policies and enforce compliance,
including—but not limited to—background checks, security procedures in children’s
areas, and disaster preparedness.
o Communicate consistently with staff and volunteers.
o Lead department meetings and empower staff and volunteers to fulfill their unique
o Develop integrated training processes for all staff and volunteers working with children
from birth to 5th grade.
o Function as liaison between children, parents, volunteers, senior staff, and elders.
• Disciple and encourage families
o Develop healthy community among parents, encouraging and modeling ways for them
to disciple their children at home. Coordinate with Senior Pastor as needed to connect
to the adult Sunday morning experience.
o Communicate with families as a group and individually, particularly when they are new
or have been away for an extended period.
o Provide parent-child “New Christians Class” before baptism to ensure that children
understand their decision to follow Jesus and be baptized.
• Develop and oversee the Sunday & Wednesday experience for all children
o Develop or find an engaging curriculum for children that reflects the teaching of
Concord Church and is inclusive to children of all abilities.
o Purchase classroom supplies and set up rooms weekly.
o Schedule volunteers.
• Manage special event planning for Children’s Ministry
o Easter focus, Vacation Bible School, Fall event, Christmas presentation
o Other events as needed
• Complete administrative tasks
o Oversee all aspects of department administration including payroll, P.O. processing,
budget forecasting, purchasing, and departmental account tracking.
o Develop and/or approve all internal and external communication representing the
Concord Church children’s department.
o Maintain current background checks.
o Maintain and monitor Children’s Ministry Facebook pages and website content.
• Coordinate with other staff and church-wide ministries
o Organize paid childcare staffing for applicable events: recruit, interview, and process
paperwork with financial office.
o Coordinate with Youth Pastor to streamline calendaring for families and provide
transition for students moving into that department.
o Coordinate with Maintenance Director for room repairs, upgrades, and equipment.
o Coordinate with Missions Director or ministry leaders to teach children to serve by
planning regular service projects (e.g., local school, Thanksgiving baskets, school
supplies, food, Operation Christmas Child, Community Giveaway, Loving and Caring
o Coordinate with office administration to use Planning Center for activity promotion,
attendance, registration, payment, and reports.
o Function as liaison between Concord WEE School and Concord Church ministries.

Physical Demands:
• High energy
• Great deal of walking
• Some lifting and moving furniture like
folding chairs and tables
• Some lifting of children

Extent of Public Contact:
• Children, families, and volunteers
• Concord staff members
• Local schools and mission organizations
• Some public speaking from the stage or on

Personal Attributes:
• Jesus-follower in personal life
• Heart for children and their families
• Positive attitude, fun, enjoyable
• Heart of a servant
• Loyal
• Flexible
• Organized
• Team player

Supervision: Staff and Volunteers
• Part-time ministry staff: 2
• Full-time WEE School staff: 2
• Regular volunteers for Sundays and
Wednesdays: ~60 on various rotations
• Vacation Bible School Volunteers: >100
• Other events mostly pull from the above

• Competitive Salary
• Moving Expenses
• Health Insurance
• Matching Retirement
• Paid Holidays
• Paid Vacation
• Collaborative Work Environment
• Supportive Senior Pastor & Elders
• Creative Freedom

Our goal is to fill the position by mid-June so
that training can be completed with the
current Director before her retirement.

Please submit your resume to:  [email protected].

Thank you!

To apply for this job email your details to rusty@concordchurch.com

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