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Pastor of Discipleship Full Time

Faith Family Fellowship

7100 Spanish Fort Blvd Spanish Fort, Alabama 36527



Faith Family Fellowship in Spanish Fort, Alabama is currently searching for a full time Pastor of Discipleship. Spanish Fort is located in Baldwin County, 10 miles east of Mobile, Alabama right on the eastern shore of the Mobile Bay. Baldwin County is one of the fastest growing counties in Alabama and the nation which means our discipleship needs are great. FFF is a growing church body that prioritizes the necessity and sufficiency of God’s Word in all we do, as well as loving one another in deep and intentional ways. The Pastor of Discipleship position is a full-time, staff elder position. A shepherd’s heart and previous experience in local church pastoral ministry, along with previous experience in local church discipleship, will be prioritized in this search process. Please see the job description below for more information.

Pastor of Discipleship

Job Description

Discipleship At Faith Family Fellowship

In the life of the Church today and in the life of Faith Family Fellowship (FFF), is the need for intentional discipleship.
Our church body needs to be discipled. The process of sanctification is not yet complete (Ephesians 4:11-16; Philippians 3:12).
New people in our community/church will need to be discipled. Baldwin County is one of the fastest growing counties in the country with an annual population increase of 3%. Over the next decade, a 50k-100k population increase is projected.
We have a Biblical mandate to present “every man” complete and mature unto the Lord (Colossians 1:28). We need a process by which we can accomplish this.
If the church will be able to withstand the current cultural moment, then discipleship is needed (Ephesians 4:14; Philippians 2:15)
Intentional discipleship is a command of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19), and it is the pattern of the New Testament church (2 Timothy 2:1-2)
How Do We Define “Discipleship” At FFF?
“Discipleship is the fulfillment of the Great Commission[1] through the teaching of biblical truth[2] in intentional church community[3] for the purpose of making mature, obedient followers of Christ[4] who employ their gifts[5] to make God’s glory known among the nations.[6]”
·       Specific Responsibilities For The Pastor Of Discipleship

o   Full-time staff elder position

o   Create, implement, and maintain a comprehensive discipleship plan and course of study for FFF

§  The Pastor of Discipleship will write discipleship material and/or purchase curriculum that meets the specific discipleship needs of our church body.

§  This discipleship plan will accomplish the following areas of need:

§  help fulfill the Great Commission in our church

§  cover a wide variety of discipleship topics from basic Christianity, to theological topics, to exegetical study, to practical issues of Christian living

§  address curriculum and courses of study from preschool to senior adult

§  foster edification and spiritual growth

§  create opportunities for church members to employ their gifts, serve, and disciple others

§  promote genuine fellowship among the body

o   Recruit, disciple, train teachers/leaders

o   Committed to biblical counseling with an ability and willingness to meet for counseling with church members.

o   Alongside the senior pastor and elders, implement and maintain a ministry mentorship program for those called to ministry/missions within the church.

Other Responsibilities and Expectations

Maintain a healthy working relationship with all staff members
Assist senior pastor in leading staff meetings
Assist senior pastor, elders, and music minister in leading corporate worship services
Regularly preach and teach in the life of the church
Attend monthly elders’ meetings
As needed, assist in leading deacons’ meetings
Be present in office and among the body
Be in agreement with our church’s statements of faith (BFM 2000; New Hampshire Confession of Faith) and teach in accordance with, and not contrary to, these confessions
Create and maintain a discipleship budget


1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4
A deep abiding personal relationship with the Lord and a clear call to discipleship ministry within the church.
Experience in leading discipleship ministry in the local church
The candidate will be called upon to show previous discipleship work/models from previous ministries.
The candidate will provide examples of previously written discipleship materials used in the local church.
Due to the overall impact of this position in the life of the church, organizational skills must be high, and he must be able to communicate effectively and clearly.
A deep love for the local church that causes one to be able to relate to all demographics within the church.
Minimum Four-year bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies
If the bachelor’s degree is not in biblical, theological, or ministerial studies, then a master’s degree in some area of biblical studies is required.

[1] Matthew 28:19; Luke 24:45-49; Acts 1:7-8

[2] Matthew 28:20; Colossians 1:28; 2 Timothy 2:2

[3] Acts 18:26; 2 Timothy 2:2

[4] 1 Corinthians 14:20; Colossians 1:28; Ephesians 4:1

[5] 1 Corinthians 12:7,12-25

[6] 1 Chronicles 16:24; Psalm 96:3

To apply for this job email your details to david@faithfamilyonline.com

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