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Senior Pastor Full Time

First Baptist Church, Cold Spring, Kentucky

4410 Alexandria Pike, Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076

http://[email protected]


First Baptist Church of Cold Spring, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention is seeking a GOD loving, GOD fearing full-time senior pastor.  The ideal Applicant must be a leader with sound Biblical doctrine as stated in 1 Timothy 3: 1-7.  The applicant must be a born-again Christian; licensed and ordained Baptist Minister who believes in Jesus Christ and can fill the spiritual needs of the congregation.  He shall provide Biblical direction and leadership for the old and young alike so that the members are built up in faith and maturity to become more like Christ.  Ultimately, the Pastor we are seeking has compassion to teach the full counsel of GOD’s work, lead our Church staff to reaching those in our community sharing the love of Christ.  We are a fast-growing community located in a metropolitan area just south of Cincinnati, Ohio.  For more information and job description, please visit our website at fbccs.com

To apply for this job please visit fbccs.com.

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