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Pastor of Family Ministry Full Time

First Baptist Church of Floresville

1115 B Street, Floresville Texas. 78114



The Pastor of Family Ministries is primarily a pastor meeting the biblical requirements as described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. The role of the Pastor of Family Ministries is to work in harmony with the Lead Pastor, deacons, staff, and volunteers to accomplish the vision and mission of the church. Specifically, this position will focus on Family Ministry, providing oversight and development of the children and student ministry (birth through high school), as well as young families, to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” as described in Ephesians 4:11.

The Pastor of Family Ministries is classified as a full-time ministerial employee and is exempt from the FLSA requirement to provide hourly documentation of hours worked. The Pastor of Family Ministries is exempt from mandatory federal income tax withholding requirements.

Duties and Responsibilities

Support and coordinate with the Lead Pastor and staff to ensure that pastoral ministries to the families of the church are conducted in a way that leads to the strengthening and growth of the church.
Lead, develop, and oversee the children, student, and family ministries. Work with other church leadership and staff to coordinate children, student, and family-oriented events and outreach including, but not limited to, Bible study, Vacation Bible School, and summer camps.
Develop and implement strategies for effective equipping of parents in the discipleship of their own children according to Deuteronomy 6.
Build and develop structures to implement the vision and mission of the church within the community. Find creative ways to impact schools in the area by developing relationships with the schools in our community and creating potential outreach opportunities.
Lead and develop ministry teams. Recruit, train, and oversee ministry volunteers and part-time staff.
Engage students and children with opportunities to develop a strong spiritual foundation and a growing faith in Christ.
Develop and maintain children and student policies (risk management, volunteer guidelines, etc.) and communicate policies to the church as a whole.
Wisely plan and oversee the children and student ministry budgets.
Preach and administer the church ordinances in the absence of (or at the request of) the Lead Pastor. Perform additional duties as assigned by the Lead Pastor.

Basic Qualifications

●        Bachelor’s Degree

●        3+ years of ministry experience working on a church staff or other ministry-related position

●        3+ years of experience working with children, students, and young families

●        Called to serve the local church with an evident love for children, students, and young families and Family/NextGen ministry

●        Commitment to biblical Christian principles and teachings both professionally and personally

●        Exceptional speaking skills and the ability to speak confidently before groups

●        Doctrinally aligned with the Baptist Faith and Message

●        Solid understanding of Apologetics and Theological studies

●        Required to pass criminal and sexual misconduct background checks

Preferred Qualifications

●      Master’s Degree (ministry-focused) or a Seminary Degree

●      Excellent computer skills and proficiency with social media

●      Experience leading in youth camp and other events

●      Experience in family counseling

●      Experience supporting children with special needs

●      Provide evidence of consistently planning, communicating, and following through

●      Licensed to the Gospel Ministry

●      Bilingual Spanish/English

Personal Attributes

●       A driving passion for leading children, students, and families into a fully devoted relationship with Jesus Christ

●       Commit to First Baptist Church’s vision to implement a family-equipping ministry

●       Promote FBCF’s efforts to develop disciple-making disciples

●       A positive, outgoing personality who enjoys building and leading teams

●       An effective multitasker with a self-motivated work style

●       Strong desire for community outreach and missions, both locally and abroad

●       Demonstrates a loving and Christ-like attitude by exhibiting a prayerful disposition and a gentle, humble character

●       Knowledge and ability to use the Bible to guide a new disciple to ongoing spiritual maturity

●       Set an example of spiritual maturity and personal health through prayer, a healthy marriage and family life, Bible Study, rest, worship, and financial stewardship

●       Builds personal accountability safeguards into his life

To apply for this job email your details to familyministry@fbcf.org

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