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Minister of Students & Community Engagement Full Time

First Baptist Church Sheridan

Sheridan, AR



Job Description Summary: Reach out to and lead individuals in becoming devoted followers of Jesus Christ who possess a biblical worldview. Have a special emphasis on making disciples of all 7th-12th graders, their families, and college students. Work with the pastor in developing and maintaining a strategy to engage Sheridan with the Gospel through missional efforts and leading the church in that strategy.

This is a full-time position, but a senior in college or a last year graduate student would be considered for a part-time position that would move to full-time upon graduation. Parts of the job description could also be adjusted to match the gifts and talents of the applicant. If you feel like the Lord may be leading you to join us, please reach out. We are a loving and encouraging church that would love to see a young minister grow in the ministry and thrive in his calling. 
Qualifications & Position Requirements:
·       One who is called to vocational ministry whose life is in line with mandates for leaders found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
·       If married, have a spouse that is supportive in that ministerial call.
·       An effective communicator, with a strong theological background, who agrees with and teaches in accordance with the BF&M 2000.
·       A self-motivated leader, capable of casting and imparting vision for ministry, possessing relational skills with students, parents, and staff.
·       One who possesses basic administrative skills, organizational skills, discipline, and focus.
Student Minister Duties and Responsibilities:
·       Coordinate and oversee all aspects of the Student Ministry including weekly midweek meetings, Sunday School, and Disciple-making Groups.
·       Recruit and equip adult volunteers to serve in the student ministry.
·       Ensure student activities are scheduled, calendared, and communicated to students and their parents in a way that encourages partnership.
·       Provide counseling and spiritual direction to students and their families.
·       Encourage student attendance at all regularly scheduled church-wide activities.
·       Follow up with student age visitors and their families.
·       Develop and administer the annual student ministry budget.
·       Be present on the school campus visiting students regularly.
·       Attend school events regularly.
·       Assist Pastor in visiting members and encouraging members to serve.
·       Preach multiple times a year on Sunday mornings as requested by the pastor.
·       Provide ministerial care in crisis situations.
·       Be an active member who participates fully in the ministry of the church.
·       Attend regular staff meetings.
·       Work well with this church’s staff in order to advance the mission of this church.
·       Oversee Ministry Safe.
Community Outreach Duties and Responsibilities:
·       Assist the pastor in developing and implementing a church-wide mission strategy to engage the community.
·       Plan and lead the church in regular opportunities to serve and reach the community.
Compensation and Benefits: Compensation Package will be based on the applicant’s experience and the Personnel Committee’s recommendation. 

To apply for this job email your details to TSewell@fbcsheridan.com

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