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Worship & Student Pastor Full Time

First Baptist Church Warner Robins

1135 Watson Blvd, Warner Robins, GA 31093



First Baptist Church of Warner Robins, GA is seeking a full-time Worship & Student Pastor, or two part-time leaders for each ministry area, to lead the church in Christ-centered worship and students into a saving and vibrant faith in Christ. FBCWR is a welcoming smaller congregation in the growing middle Georgia community of Warner Robins. Our desire is to see the community transformed by the power of the gospel through helping people know God, worship Him, grow together, and serve others. Our church has a heart for the nations and supports missions and missionaries locally, nationally, and internationally through prayer, giving, and service. Warner Robins has a diverse community enriched by its close connection to Robins Air Force Base. It has healthy educational options through public, private, and homeschool avenues. The number of families in our community affirm it is a great place to raise children and engage in ministry to families.
Candidates should have a close personal relationship with God, meet scriptural qualifications of a pastor, affirm the doctrine of the church, and be personally active in evangelistic and discipleship efforts. This position requires a college degree and experience in leading a blended worship, choir, and operating audio/visual equipment. For more information or to submit a resume, please email [email protected]. Compensation is dependent on experience, position, and hours but will be competitive.

To apply for this job email your details to resume@fbcwr.org

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