Pastor Part Time
First Southern Baptist Church, Anderson
1761 Ferry St., Anderson, CA 96007
Pastor Search Committee
Pastor Profile
First Southern Baptist Church in Anderson, California is seeking a part-time, bi-vocational, or semi-retired
Pastor for our congregation as our current Pastor is looking to retire in 2025.
Salary: $1,800 per month housing allowance and up to $1,500 per year medical assistance reimbursement for
medical expenses. As the church grows and develops, appropriate compensation/benefits is open for
Anderson is a small community in beautiful Shasta County, just off Interstate 5. Located just south of Redding
in northern California, it is an area surrounded by mountain ranges, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls.
First Southern Baptist Church of Anderson is supported by a dedicated team of very competent volunteers who
take care of the children’s ministry, music ministry, decorations, hospitality, weekly cleaning, maintenance, our
online presence, and much more. The church attendance currently runs about 30 in worship every Sunday
with ages ranging from 4 to 90+ years old. Adult and children’s Sunday School averages about 10. We are
established on the internet at and we post our sermons weekly
on SoundCloud for all the world to hear the Good News. From our website, people can access our Facebook,
YouTube and SoundCloud pages. Being Southern Baptist, we work diligently to carry out the mission of the
SBC and Association.
The ideal pastoral candidate shall be a Southern Baptist and fulfill the biblical qualifications of 1 Tim 3:1-7 and
Titus 1:6-9. The candidate shall also be in agreement with the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message. The candidate’s
focus for the church should be shepherding the flock in prayer, preaching, evangelism, leadership, discipleship,
and building relationships.
Candidates should send their resume with cover letter to First Southern Baptist Church, Attn: Pastor Search
Committee, 1761 Ferry Street, Anderson, CA 96007 via USPS or email to [email protected]
To apply for this job email your details to
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