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Music/Media-Tech Director Full Time

Highland Baptist Church

Tullahoma, TN



Highland Baptist Church, Tullahoma, TN is seeking a full-time music director to lead our blended worship music ministry. This a salaried position (33 hours per week) The Music Director is responsible for the development and promotion of a comprehensive music program. The director will work with the Pastor in planning the music for the church’s worship services (Sunday and Wednesday), will lead the congregational singing (all Sunday & Wednesday services), lead the adult choir, arrange special music for the Sunday Morning Worship services, and coordinate all other choirs. The director will be responsible to promote and organize a ministry of music with children and youth. The director will also be responsible for the media/tech ministry of the church, which includes updating and maintaining all software/hardware, training and equipping the sound system team, etc.

To apply for this job email your details to highlandbaptisttullahoma@gmail.com

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