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Pastor Full Time

Hillcrest Baptist Church

Big Spring, TX



Hillcrest Baptist Church of Big Spring, Texas is seeking a full-time pastor, with five to ten years pastoral experience. This lead ministry position is not for anyone who is seeking a “job”. HBC is seeking someone who views this as an opportunity to reach people for Christ and make a kingdom impact in our church and community. Big Spring is a town of 25,000 located 40 miles east of Midland. Our church has approximately 100 members and are eager to welcome our new pastor. (Send resumes to [email protected])


The Pastor should be someone who feels God’s unmistakable call on his life to the pastoral ministry of the Church. He should hold an unwavering belief in the authority, inerrancy, and infallibility of all 66 books of the protestant canonical Bible. The qualifications of a pastor are laid out by scripture in 1 Timothy Chapter 3, and Titus Chapter 1. A pastor is to be above reproach, the devoted husband of one wife, sober minded, disciplined, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach and give instruction, not a drunkard, not violent, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not arrogant, not quick-tempered, not a lover of money, manages his own household well, his children are submissive and not insubordinate, not a recent convert, has a good reputation in the community, and is a lover of goodness, uprightness, and holiness.


The pastor will lead the Church to function as a New Testament Church. Under the direct authority of Jesus Christ, he will work with the leadership team, deacons, and church staff to: 1) Lead the Church in the achievement of its mission, 2) proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers, and 3) care for the Church’s members and other persons in the community. He will lead the congregation and the church staff to perform the duties and functions of the Church as outlined in scripture. Additionally, he will provide administrative leadership for the church.

To apply for this job email your details to mcjbkh@outlook.com

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