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Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Administration Full Time

Immanuel Baptist Church

Fayetteville, NC



Immanuel Baptist Church (IBC) is a strategically small church committed to excellence in worship and discipleship. This means IBC will never build another building or leave its present geographic footprint.  Instead, as we obey the Great Commission and see our congregation grow, we give away discipled members who are called to revitalize or replant dying Baptist churches in Fayetteville, NC.  Not only does this help other churches, but it also gives us room to continue growing!  We are excited to see God use this small church to impact our entire city!

In order to fulfill this unique congregational calling, we need a full-time Associate Pastor to lead all of our discipleship and administrative ministries.  Specifically, this individual will continue training, mentoring, and leading established ministry teams responsible for discipling all ages.  He will also create, train, mentor, and lead ministry teams responsible for the facilities, finances, and other administrative tasks of the church. 

The salary package for this ministry position ranges from $30,000 to $50,000, depending on the education and experience of the applicant. Those applying must have at least a bachelor’s degree and at least two years’ experience in a related field of ministry.  Also, those applying must doctrinally align with the Baptist Faith and Message, 2000.  Due to the sensitive and pastoral nature of this position, all applicants will undergo a criminal and financial background check if granted an interview.

If this ministry opportunity sounds like you, and you are ready to follow the Lord on this amazing journey, send your resume to [email protected]

To apply for this job email your details to ibcncpastor@gmail.com

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