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Minister of Music Full Time

Lincolnton Baptist Church

235 S Peachtree St Lincolnton GA 30817



Under the supervision and with the support of the Pastor it will be the main purpose of the Minister of Music to plan, develop, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive music ministry of the church.

This person will agree with the LBC’s Statement of Faith and By-laws. This person will become a member of LBC within the first month of employment. This person will demonstrate that they have sufficient passion, gifts, education and experience to fulfill the responsibilities listed in this job description.

1. This person will be dedicated to the ministry of the Word and prayer, while being zealous to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2. This person will live an exemplary and godly life both in private and in public and will embrace biblical principles and ethical integrity in all business and ministry transactions.
3. This person will be a good manager of their home and finances and seek to avoid living under the burden of excessive debt.
4. This person will strive to keep their life free from sexual immorality both in thought and in deed and avoid even the appearance of any evil.
5. This person will maintain harmonious relationships with other staff and the deacons along with respectful relationships with volunteers and other members of the congregation.
6. This person will be trustworthy and able to hold in confidence personal and private matters, sharing only such information as is appropriate and necessary for spiritual and physical welfare.
7. This person will share the general burden of church leadership as needed and commensurate with their passions and gifting.
8. This person will remain professionally current in relevant cultural trends and resources necessary to effectively minister to the next generation.
9. This person will maintain a healthy work and life balance to remain healthy physically and spiritually.
10. This person will be skilled in basic music, sight reading, and teaching technique.

The Minister of Music will lead the Music Ministry by:
1. Assisting the pastor in planning the Lord’s Day worship services. This includes both morning and evening services. (This includes leading the singing for the Wednesday night prayer meeting).
2. Leading and directing the adult choir to assist in the morning Lord’s Day service. This will include the selecting of anthems and effective oversight needed for musical offerings.
3. Leading the music aspect of ministries like Vacation Bible School, Bible conferences, and special meetings.
4. Being available to assist with weddings and funerals for church members.
5. Establishing and leading age appropriate choirs. This may include, but is not limited to a children’s choir and youth ensemble.
6. Establishing and leading the hand bell choir on a seasonal basis.
7. Encouraging, teaching, and developing the skills of music volunteers for the Christ-centered purpose of leading in corporate worship.
8. Supervising the service of all music ministry instrumentalists and musicians. This primarily concerns our pianist, organist and other musicians that might be needed.
9. Working with the music committee, as needed, to address needs of the ministry.
10. Working with the audio committee, as needed, to address needs of the sound system.
11. Developing and overseeing a proposed budget for the music ministry.
12. Attending staff meetings as established by the pastor.
13. Coordinating all music activities and events with church calendar.

With the help of the pastor will help lead the whole ministry by:
1. Supporting the vision, strategy and initiatives of LBC.
2. Bringing to bear their God-given gifts, passions and discernment to help shape expressions of LBC’s vision and mission over time.

1. This is a full-time position.
2. Package range is $45,000 to $55,000.

235 S Peachtree St Lincolnton GA 30817

Please send resume and contact info to [email protected]

To apply for this job email your details to lincolntonbcmusic@gmail.com

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