Pastor for Education/Worship Full Time
Living Hope Baptist Church
Living Hope Baptist Church Hopkinsville KY
ActiveLiving Hope Baptist Church in Hopkinsville KY is searching for a Pastor for Education/Worship. Living Hope is a growing church and an exciting place to be. We are blessed with very gifted musicians and praise team. We are searching for a full time Pastor for Education/Worship and compensation will be based on candidates giftedness, godliness, and experience.
Must be solid born again believer, that meets qualifications for an elder in 1 Timothy 3.
Must be a self starter, organized, able to lead a talented group of musicians and gifted vocalists.
Must be a team player that desires to see people come to know Christ and exalt His name
Seminary Education is preferred but not a prerequisite if candidate shows disciplined approach to study/work ethic/experience
Duties include (but not limited to)
I. Oversee Worship Ministry in Music
A. Leads, trains, recruits, shepherds all musicians, vocalists, audio/video techs and volunteers.
B. Works with elders in planning worship services including song selection, order of service, and other details of worship services.
C. Leads music ministry in Christ honoring way that encaourges Christians to respond to God’s grace in exulting in Christ by exalting Him in singing and worship.
D. Leads/Oversees media/technology and insures that we are using all of our media resources to the fullest extent possible including social media, promotional videos, and other forms of technology within our means
II. Oversees Education and Discipleship Ministry.
A. Insures all small groups, discipleship groups, Sunday school classes have all curriculum needed to best make disciples of Christ.
B. Work with Elders to lead recruits, trains volunteers to be disciple makers and to expand and grow small group involvement.
C. Help Elders make clear to all new members as well as prospective members what the discipleship pathway is in the church. (Discipleship Groups, Sunday School, other small groups, outreach teams, Missions, worship services)
III. Pastoral Care
A. Works with Elders and Deacons to serve members of LHBC well.
B. Does the work of an evangelist.
C. Willing to serve in any and all areas of the church that are needed to help church best honor Christ
To apply for this job email your details to
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