Full Time Pastor Full Time
Madison Valley Baptist Church
ActiveJob Announcement Madison Valley Baptist Church
December 30, 2024
Church: Madison Valley Baptist Church 5050 U.S. Hwy 287 N PO Box 668 Ennis, MT 59729
Applicants: Please provide a current resume with three references, a recent family photo, sermon recordings (audio or video) and a one page cover letter sharing how you came to know the Lord as your personal savior, how you came to be in ministry, and how God is leading you to pursue pastoral ministry here at Madison Valley Baptist Church. Please mail to: Emily Mark, Administrative Assistant/Pastoral Search Committee, Madison Valley Baptist Church, PO Box 668 Ennis, MT 59729 or email to [email protected]. More information is available at https://www.madisonvalleybaptistchurch.com/Pastorsearch.
Preferences: Applicants must be ordained and affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. Pastoral and life experience in various roles within the church and seminary education are preferred but not required. A candidate with a family who is 30 – 50 years of age is ideal.
Goal: Our goal is to find the man who has a clear calling from the Lord to be our long-term Pastor and to lead in proclaiming the true gospel written in God’s Word. We are seeking someone who will help our church reach individuals for Christ, foster a Biblical culture through spiritual education and discipleship, engage with the surrounding community, and add to the growth of our church family. Our new pastor will have support and encouragement from the elder-led church and will be accountable to the church body.
Profile of Characteristics, Qualities, and Convictions of our Pastor:
-He will be considered based upon the qualifications and responsibilities found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Ephesians 4:11-16, and Titus 1:6-9.
-He must have a commitment to the authority of Scripture, the divinely inspired Word of God, as it is our foundation of belief and practice.
-He must be an effective communicator, corporately and interpersonally, in both written and oral skills.
-He must be active to fulfill the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19-20.
-He must be committed to maintaining our affiliations with the Southern Baptist Convention and Montana Southern Baptist Convention.
-He must adhere to, accept, and uphold the constitution and bylaws of Madison Valley Baptist Church. A copy will be provided upon request.
Financial Provisions: We are currently seeking a pastor who is able to be full-time. Copies of our 2024 and projected 2025 budget are available upon request.
Our Church: Madison Valley Baptist Church is a small congregation located in beautiful Ennis, Montana. We average 40-65 attendees on Sunday mornings. Roughly 65% of our congregation is over the age of 55 with the remaining congregation consisting of young families with children.
Our Community: Ennis is a small town nestled in the southwestern part of Montana just 70 miles from Yellowstone National Park, in the Madison River Valley. We have seen an influx of new people moving into the area in the last few years, though the population fluctuates due to the number of “snowbirds” we have that leave town for the winter months. The population is approximately 900 year-round and swells to over twice that in the summer.
To apply for this job email your details to pastorsearchennis@gmail.com
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