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Pastor of Equipping, Small Groups, and Preaching Full Time

Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles

Alhambra, CA



POSITION SUMMARY Our church and our English Lead Pastor are looking for a gifted, full-time pastor to share the preaching duties and be the primary person overseeing and deepening the adult small groups, Sunday school and other trainings. QUALIFICATIONS • ability to preach in a relevant, engaging, impactful and memorable way • agrees with the Baptist Faith and Message (2000) and is a strong supporter of the SBC and its collaborative outreach ministries (i.e. IMB, NAMB, etc…) • mature believer with a growing and vibrant faith who lives out the Great Commission • shows a commitment of love and service to the local church • experience with multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-generational churches and the community they serve (MBCLA is located in Alhambra, CA, with a population that is 45% Asian, 45% Hispanic and 10% Anglo) • ability to speak Spanish and/or Mandarin is an asset, but not required • a great team player with excellent maturity and people skills • seminary trained; having an MDiv degree is an asset, but not required • meets biblical qualifications for a pastor/elder found in Titus 1:5-9 and I Timothy 3:1-7 • a minimum of 2-3 years of pastoral (or comparable) experience desired MINISTRY RESPONSIBILITIES • oversees, equips and trains the adult Sunday School teachers; determines the schedule for the year-long Sunday school classes • cultivates vibrant small groups that integrate the Word of God in the lives of its members to exhibit characters of openness, vulnerability and deep, committed relationships • shepherds, equips and trains adult small group leaders to ensure their overall health and effectiveness in their ability to teach God’s Word • plans enrichment, parenting, and marriage seminars utilizing the resources of MBCLA or outside special speakers • collaborates with a team to plan special seminars and events aimed at equipping the congregation and open to outside guests • works closely with the English Lead Pastor and staff to create an ethos in the church that embodies our purpose statement and key behaviors (below) ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES • oversees and maintains the budget for the equipping and small groups ministries • reserves rooms and resources for equipping ministry events including weekly Bible Study and special events in conjunction with the church’s administrative staff Compensation: • Salary Range $45,000 – $65,000 Plus Benefits (i.e. housing allowance designation, medical insurance coverage and retirement annuity contributions) English Congregation Purpose: • To glorify and enjoy God • By making and being disciples • Here and among every people group! Our Key Behaviors: • Get and stay healthy – Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, Socially • Make it better – Develop excellence through a culture of healthy evaluation • Be about loving God, His Word, prayer & people • Collaborate – all of us are better than one of us • Merge your universes – Merge your Christian and non-Christian friend universes • Be divinely creative – Creativity should be the natural result of being created in God’s image • Change lives through fellowship groups

To apply for this job email your details to tom@mbcla.org

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