Senior Pastor Full Time
Meta Baptist Church
8807 Meta Highway, Pikeville, Kentucky 41501
ActiveSEEKING SENIOR PASTOR – Meta Baptist Church (“MBC”), a Southern Baptist church, is actively seeking a full-time Senior Pastor to oversee and grow our local church and its various ministries and functions, as our current Senior Pastor is stepping down after faithfully serving 20 years at MBC. MBC is a predominantly middle-age/older congregation, located in Eastern Kentucky, with a membership of 683, and approximately 85 regular attendees. We are seeking a man of God, led by the Holy Spirit, to pastor our congregation, who: (i) meets the biblical qualifications in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9; (ii) devotes himself to prayer and the Word; (iii) is a lover of people and an encourager; (iv) preaches and teaches the Word; and, (v) possesses strong administrative, organizational and leadership skills. MBC is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, Kentucky Baptist Convention, Pike Association of Southern Baptists, and adheres to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. For more information about MBC, please visit us on our Facebook page, or on our website at If interested, applicants should apply by emailing a resume to [email protected] on or before December 31, 2024. A video sermon is encouraged to apply.
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