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Children’s Director Full Time

Mount Vernon Baptist Church

3505 Bamboo Rd Boone NC 28607



Mount Vernon Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking a full-time Children’s Director.  Salary, benefits, and the like will be based on the experience, education, and skills of the applicant. This person will be responsible for all children from birth to 5th grade and will work closely with the pastoral staff.  This person must be able to manage a large volunteer base, build teams, communicate vision effectively, make disciples, and minister to a multicultural congregation. They are to understand the need to minister to families and be able to help equip parents to lay a solid Biblical foundation and implement spiritual disciplines. It is preferred that the applicant have suitable experience and a degree. Specific duties will be discussed during the interview process.  

All applicants should send a resume that includes their testimony, family information, a family picture, contact information, ministry experience, education, and references.  Please email your resume as a PDF. Our office will reply to your email confirming that we have received your resume. We will be receiving applicants until June 1st and will contact you as needed.   

To apply for this job please visit https.

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