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Pastor Part Time

New Antioch Baptist Church of Shannon (Georgia)

4553 Calhoun Road Northeast, Rome, GA 30161



New Antioch Baptist Church in Rome-(Shannon Community), Georgia is seeking a Part-Time/Bi-Vocational Pastor who is called to join us in our purpose of glorifying God by Exalting the savior, Equipping the saints, and Evangelizing the sinner.

New Antioch Baptist Church was established in 1940, born out of a need to provide ministry opportunities to a growing textile mill and agricultural community just Northeast of Rome, Georgia.  Generations of individuals have come to know and love the Lord through fellowship with New Antioch Baptist Church. 

Today, we seek to find new ways to serve our local community and outward to the rest of the world.  We are aligned with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Georgia Baptist Convention and subscribe to the current doctrinal statement of the Baptist Faith and Message.  We are a debt-free church with established facilities and room to grow.  Our constitution and bylaws are structured through a teams leadership system with the Pastor serving as chief administrator of all church staff and as Ex-Officio on all teams.

What we are looking for in a Pastor:

Sound Biblical Doctrine

Spiritual leadership

Genesis to Revelation, without apology


Willingness to stand on God’s word in the pulpit

Focus on Discipleship

Passion for Jesus

Organizational/Messaging skills

Teacher and Equipper

Servant-type leader with vision for the future but based on God’s Holy Word.

What we offer:

A stable congregation with a dedicated core, ready to love on, support a pastor, and follow his Biblical lead.

A Deacon Ministry (and congregation) that understands “it’s all about Jesus” and takes decisions based on prayerful consideration.

A focus on good stewardship of God’s resources.

A congregation willing to follow God’s leading through Biblical principles.

A financial package that asks us to take a step in faith, while recognizing the importance of managing God’s resources.

A dedicated, weekly day off with assigned deacon support for the day, and clear communication to the congregation, of the importance of a rested/refreshed pastor and his family.

What we expect:

For you to be the Pastor God has created you to be, not somebody’s idea of the perfect pastor.

For you to lead by teaching us how to: exalt the savior, equip the saints, and evangelize the sinner.

To help us learn, communicate, and execute God’s vision for our church in the community and the world.

For you to grow in your ministry through continuing education, conference, or convention, as the church is led to support.

To provide pastoral care as you see fit, while balancing the priority of caring for your family.

To lead and teach the importance of maintaining God’s resources in our homes and in the church.

This position is funded through our current budget at a $ 30,000 annual total salary/housing package.

Send resume and cover letter to:

[email protected]

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To apply for this job email your details to NABCpastorsearch2024@gmail.com

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