Lead Pastor Full Time
New Hope Baptist Church
ActivePosition: Lead Pastor
New Hope Baptist Church
Sanford, North Carolina
New Hope Baptist Church is diligently praying for their next shepherd: someone of humble character, authentic expository teaching, and a passion for discipleship. This Lead Pastor will serve as the primary shepherd with a support staff of elders and deacons.
Ideally, we are seeking someone with, but not limited to:
5-15 years of preaching experience
Master’s degree from a seminary
Unwavering love and commitment to the Lord and study of His Word.
Strong commitment to biblical expository preaching, personal bible study, prayer, counseling, and leading his family well.
We are searching for a Pastor who is gifted towards and eager to help the church grow further in the following areas:
Evangelism within the community
Discipleship within the church
Prayer together and as individuals
The ideal new shepherd will continue to support the church by emphasizing individual scripture reading and prayer. He would have a passion and the experience to continue to support and develop elders, deacons, seminary students/graduates, and other budding church leaders among the congregation. New Hope would prefer a Pastor who is open to continuing the provision of opportunities for these growing servants to teach in Core Groups (“Sunday school classes”), Wednesday night Bible studies, and some Sunday morning services. Our prayer is that the next shepherd has a passionate heart for discipleship and equipping the congregation to better share the Gospel in the community God has placed us. He will be bold to encourage members to become more active in discipleship groups for accountability, personal growth, and spiritual maturity in the Lord.
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