Youth Pastor Full Time
Newbern First Baptist Church
ActiveNewbern First Baptist Church in Newbern, TN is a friendly and loving church located in Northwest Tennessee. The average attendance on a Sunday morning is approximately 400 and approximately 70 on Wednesday night youth services. Newbern First Baptist is seeking a full-time Student Pastor. This man will lead all ministries related to Students and Young Adults from Middle School through College-age and work closely with the Senior Pastor and other leaders in casting vision for future ministries and opportunities. Our student ministry is very healthy and meets, in a typical week, on Wednesday night for student worship and recently started a small group on Sunday nights. They also have fellowships, retreats, mission projects, and camps. This position is expected to provide visionary leadership throughout the student ministries of Newbern First Baptist Church.
Located in Dyer County in Northwest Tennessee, the city of Newbern is a small loving community. Newbern has an incredible school system and a fun, family-friendly environment. You can find most of the community on a Friday Night cheering on the hometown Choctaws. This is a great place to live, work, raise a family, and help us reach the world with the Gospel from Newbern, TN.
If you believe God may be calling you to serve at a church like ours, please submit your resume and short cover letter explaining why you believe God is calling you to [email protected] or mail to Youth Pastor Search Committee, 114 West Main Street, Newbern, TN 38059
To apply for this job email your details to
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