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Senior Pastor Full Time

Parkway Baptist Church, Biloxi

Biloxi, Mississippi



Parkway Baptist Church, Biloxi, MS

Position Description

1.  The Pastor must meet the spiritual, personal and character qualifications as found in 1 Timothy 3:1-8 and Titus 1 6:9 and exhibit the fruit of the Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22-23.  The Pastor should be a person who loves and enjoys people, can relate well to a variety of different people in a sincere and humble way, and able to discern the particular needs of individuals in the church and provide them with the requisite pastoral care.  He will provide spiritual direction and discernment in guiding the total church programs/ministries.  The Pastor will hold the doctrinal beliefs of the Southern Baptist Convention.  The Pastor will strive to lead this church to maintain its support of the Southern Baptist Convention, Mississippi Baptist Convention, and the Gulf Coast Baptist Association.  The Pastor will endeavor to lead this church to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28 19-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-34 and Luke 10:27). 

2.  Accountability.  The Pastor will answer to Holy God for following His direction.  He should seek to undertake his duties in the power of the Holy Spirit, undergirded with prayer, and guided by the Scriptures.  The Pastor shall be responsible to the Deacon Council for fulfillment of job responsibilities and expectations.  The Pastor will be the direct supervisor of all church staff members.

3.  Duties and Responsibilities.

               A.  Preaching and Teaching:  The Pastor should love to study the Word of God, preach and teach the Word boldly with clear understanding (Acts 4:13, 29, and 31; Acts 28:31).  With his teaching/preaching, the people should be able to apply God’s truth to their everyday lives and to their relationships with God and with others.  He will preach every Sunday and teach Bible Studies weekly or as scheduled.  He is responsible to proclaim and promote faith in Christ.

               a1.  Discipling – Teach believers to be learners and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This would include teaching how to love and study God’s word, love others, pursue God’s will and to bear fruit.  (Gal. 5:22-23)

               a2.  Devotional life – Maintain a vital, wholesome and personal relationship with the Lord through daily Bible study and prayer.  The Pastor will be a person who has a vibrant devotional life, realizing this is critical to the success of his preaching and other pastoral duties.  Protects consistent time alone with God

               a3.  Professional growth – Promote his Godly calling to ministry through continual growth through meeting with others for study and encouragement and attending seminars and conferences as deemed helpful.

               a4.  Encouraging/equipping – Recognize and encourage the church members to develop and use their spiritual gifts and talents to fulfill the mission of the church, all to the greater glory of God.  (Eph. 6:11-16)

B.  Leading:  The Pastor is responsible for strategic planning and coordination in the execution of the church’s mission to “Serve God by Loving People”.  He will define strategic goals and vision as the key leader.  He would need to show the ability to provide spiritual direction of all aspects of Church ministry.  He will supervise the ministerial/director staff.  He will demonstrate proven pastoral leadership skills while supporting missions.  He should be a person of vision, personable, humble, outgoing personality, and outstanding organizational ability.  Lead the church family in the observance of the Lord’s Supper and baptism.  Evaluate staff each year in cooperation with Personnel committee.  Work with deacons and other church leaders.  Serve:  as chair of the Church Council; as moderator of called church meetings (or appoint a representative); as Chairman of staff search committees to fill any vacancies.  Represent the church in civic matters and with other church leaders.  Serve as adviser on other committees.  Work closely with the personnel committee.  Provide spiritual guidance in the future growth and development of the church.

               b1.  Vision – Have a firm grasp on the purpose, values and strategy of the church and the ability to align staff and key leadership teams with its mission.

               b2.  Visitation – Oversee the pastoral care needs of the church and community and, as necessary, share with others in hospital visitation, home visits, counseling, marriages and funerals.

               b3.  Ministries – Is the leader of ministries in the church.  He will serve as a ministerial staff advisor on applicable committees and to organization leaders.  He will work with Deacons and ministerial staff to lead the church in performing their responsibilities regarding congregational growth and community engagement.  The Pastor will lead the church to engage in fellowship of the believers, evangelism to the community, worship of our Lord, discipleship of believers, and ministry to the flock and community.  The goal for the Pastor is to provide direction to all ministries and to seek spiritual guidance from the Holy Spirit.  Supports missions, outreach to all age groups, evangelistic ministry, effective worship leadership, and is willing to minister to church families.  Supports Sunday-School, small group Bible study, discipleship, and ministries for children and students.

                 b4.  Responsibilities include:  works with worship Leader to plan and lead the worship services; works with media specialist to promote church; encourage church members to adopt a stewardship plan of giving; conduct weddings in accordance with by-laws;

4.  Confidentiality.  The Pastor must maintain a high level of confidentiality.  Discussions held with the other church staff, Deacons, and Church Members can be sensitive in nature and must be kept confidential.

5.  Staff Responsibilities.  The Pastor will lead staff meetings, and keep the staff informed of all the plans and activities.  The Pastor will coordinate with and support the staff.  The Pastor is the supervisor of all the staff employees, and he will discuss all personnel issues with the Deacons Council and the Personnel Committee in a timely manner.  The Pastor will evaluate all staff employees in writing annually for the past annual period.  The Pastor will conduct a meeting to discuss the performance evaluation with each employee, and he will ensure that a member of the Deacons Council or Personnel Committee is in attendance at each meeting,


6. Qualifications:  The Pastor will be an ordained minister with at least 5 years of experience in a Southern Baptist Church.  He will be a graduate of an accredited Southern Baptist Convention seminary with a Master’s degree in divinity.  A married Pastor should have a supportive wife.  The Pastor should not be a Calvinist.

7.  Evaluation.  A team consisting of the three previous deacon chairs will conduct annual evaluations of the Pastor.  A report will be provided to the personnel committee for review.

To apply for this job email your details to GANDLBLACKWELL72@GMAIL.COM

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