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Pastor Full Time

Riverside Baptist Association

1125 Byrdstown Hwy. Lvingston, Tennessee 38570


Riverside Baptist Association

Livingston, Tennessee
Job Description for Associational Mission Strategist

The Riverside Baptist Association is in search of a new Associational Mission Strategist. The AMS will be responsible for providing leadership for the Association, including leadership over staff, committees, facilities, and programs.


Be a committed Christian with a call to ministry and meet the Biblical qualifications for an elder (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:1-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4).
Have experience in and be committed to Southern Baptist Convention churches, programs, and relationships.
Agree with and promote the The Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Possess ministry experience and biblical education in order to be able to effectively carry out his duties as the Associational Mission Strategist.


Be a Pastor to Pastors.
Visit churches throughout the association on a regular basis either to deliver a message or encourage pastors, their wives and their congregation.
Prioritize Church Health and Revitalization.
Encourage ministry and missions outreach.
Be a Denominational Liaison.


Encourage Pastors — Encourage Churches — Encourage Evangelism


The compensation will be in accordance to the standard of living of the Upper Cumberland.
The salary is negotiable.

To Apply, please submit your resume and three initial references to: [email protected].

To apply for this job email your details to riversidebaptistresume@gmail.com

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