Senior Pastor Full Time
Rock Hill Baptist Church
20022 State Highway 31 East, Brownsboro, TX
ActiveSenior Pastor: Rock Hill Baptist Church (RHBC), Brownsboro, Texas, is seeking a pastor to provide spiritual and pastoral leadership to our staff, our congregation, and the surrounding communities. RHBC is a 2300 member church located between Brownsboro and Chandler, Texas. RHBC is the oldest SBC church in Henderson County, Texas and is associated with the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention and adheres to The Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Preaching and pastoral experience are required. Please include a cover letter, resume, letters of recommendation from other Senior Pastors, and links that will help us get to know you and your family. Minimum of ten years experience and masters/seminary degree. Please send documents to [email protected]
Resumes will be accepted until September 22, 2024
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