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Minister of Students & Evangelism Full Time

Rocky Bayou Baptist Church

Niceville, FL



Rocky Bayou Baptist Church exists to know Him and to make Him known.
     We strive to grow together in faith and in the knowledge of God as He has revealed Himself through His Word, to connect people with the body of Christ in discipling relationships, and to share the Gospel in our community and around the world. We are committed to Christ-like elder leadership, expositional preaching, regenerate church membership, a culture of discipleship in our church, and fulfilling the Great Commission by sending and supporting missionaries, especially in frontier regions.
      Rocky Bayou Baptist Church in Niceville, Florida is prayerfully searching to fill the role of Minister of Students & Evangelism. He will play a vital role in the spiritual growth of our students between 7th and 12th grades by partnering with parents and training a ministry team to promote discipleship, service, and evangelistic initiatives. He will equip students and their families with tools to build and share their faith, while also seeking to train and provide opportunities for the broader church to better engage in outreach to the community. The ideal candidate would be willing for this role to expand over time to include leading the church’s broader ministry to families, to children from birth through young adults (college-age).
Personal Attributes & Qualifications
–       Possess a deep love for Jesus, His church, and a passion for ministry
–       Maintain a growing devotional life of Word intake and prayer
–       Meets the biblical qualifications of an elder/pastor as established in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-5. The desire of the RBBC Elders is the man in this position would have the character and spiritual maturity necessary to become an elder. He will be hired as a Minister, and following a period of mentoring and demonstrating these biblical qualifications to the Elders and the church body, he will join the Elder team. 
–       Demonstrates a servant’s heart and a strong work ethic
–       Theologically, he must be reformed, holding to the doctrines of grace, and affirming the Baptist Faith & Message 2000
–       A degree from an accredited seminary or Christian college and/or proven experience is required

Position Description 

1.   Lead Student Ministry

  • Oversee Teaching Bible to Students
    • Serve as the primary Bible teacher for the student ministry at weekly gatherings on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights
    • Coordinate and equip other teachers to help teach the Bible to students on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights
  • Shepherd Student Ministry Team
    • Recruit, lead, and develop team members to assist in building discipleship relationships with students
    • Delegate tasks to student ministry team leaders
    • Establish consistent team meetings for ministry planning, training, accountability, feedback, and encouragement
  • Other Aspects of Student Ministry:
    – Develop a student ministry strategy that integrates well with our church’s overall vision and ministry strategy
    – Partner with parents to help them be the primary disciple-makers of their students
    – Encourage student discipleship ministry (peer-to-peer)
    – Plan student activities (with assistance from student ministry team)
    – Plan and lead students in outreach around our local community
    – Manage student ministry budget
  • In the future: Develop a church ministry to college students

2.   Develop and Lead an Evangelism Team

  • Lead the team that will organize evangelism-focused opportunities for the church
  • Develop evangelism training opportunities for the church to equip more church members to share the Gospel within their communities and spheres of influence

3.   Assist with Other Pastoral Duties

  • Assist with preaching/teaching as requested
  • Participate in weekly staff meetings (Tuesdays, 9:00-10:30 AM)
  • Lead a weekly benevolence appointment
  • Lead a parent-child dedication training and services (twice per year)
  • Assist the Senior Pastor in ministry & administrative duties as needed

4.   In the Future: Help Develop a Comprehensive Family Ministry

  • Equip Rocky families to Know Him and Make Him Known
  • Equip fathers to be spiritual leaders of their families
  • Provide biblical counseling to families in marriage, parenting, etc.

If you have a heart to shepherd the next generation and a passion to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we invite you to apply to join our team at Rocky Bayou Baptist Church. Please send your cover letter and resumé to [email protected].


To apply for this job email your details to resumes@rbbc.org

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