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Lead Pastor Full Time

Roscommon Baptist Church

1201 West Sunset Drive Roscommon, MI. 48653 P.O. Box 178 Roscommon, MI. 48653



Established congregation in beautiful Northern Michigan is looking for a lead Pastor to help fulfill the great commission in our area. The congregation has been called “people who know their Bibles” and “a friendly, loving congregation”.  We are looking for a biblically sound, conservative Christian man, with some Pastoral education, who fits the criteria in 1 Tim. 3. The Church has a Parsonage in town and is currently being remodeled. The current campus was built in 2015 and will seat 200. Our current ave. is about 60 in attendance. This is not an easy area to reach disciples. We are good at reaching the lost, but our retention and  long term discipling needs help. Our congregation is debt free, hard working and our core group are faithful attenders. We currently have 3 deacons, 2 candidates, and good Sunday school teachers. WE have Sunday am Bible study for all ages, am worship, Sunday night discipleship, Monday night Young Women’s Bible group, Wednesdays 10 am Bible study , 12:30 pm. Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesday night men’s group (every other week) Friday’s (Trail Life USA) for young boys every other week. Our congregation like a mix of modern music and hymns. Our other out reach programs are Centershot Ministries Archery, Wild Game dinners, Summer archery camp, and we have an SBC camp with 7 miles of the church to enjoy. 

To apply for this job email your details to bighandgrampa@gmail.com

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