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Senior Pastor Full Time

Soul Purpose Community Church

12698 Shipps Store Rd, Bealeton, VA 22712



Soul Purpose Community Church is prayerfully seeking their next pastor. 

The Church is looking for a pastor who:

-Stands on the truth of God’s Word as it is the pillar of the church and ascribes to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.

-Believes the philosophy of ministry is to cultivate a passion for God in all people by making Christ known and His word clear, that evangelism and family ministry is vital due to the Biblical mandate to teach Christ in the home.

-Believes a vital role of the ministry of the pastor is to encourage the church body to do good works in the church and the community as well as sharing the gospel with others.

Our church is community outreach driven and is looking for a pastor to bring new ideas on spreading the gospel to the community of Bealeton and beyond.  Please send all resumes to [email protected]. For more information on the church please see our website at www.soulpurposechurch.org. Thank you for considering serving the Lord with us!

To apply for this job email your details to renewingthecall@gmail.com

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