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Lead Pastor/Elder Full Time

Trinity Baptist Church

200 S Golf Course Rd, Reedsburg, WI 53959



Position: Lead Pastor/Elder, Full Time

Location: Trinity Baptist Church, 200 S. Golf Course Road, Reedsburg, WI 53959


About Us: 
-Trinity Baptist Church (TBC) is a Southern Baptist Convention church.
-We are a Christ-centered, Bible-believing church family dedicated to glorifying God through worship,       discipleship, and outreach.
-The campus is located on 9 acres, consisting of a 288 seat Sanctuary, Fellowship hall, Education wing, and     Offices in the main building and a separate “Youth House.”  
-A strong culture of stewardship demonstrated by: fiscal responsibility with giving traditionally exceeding the   working budget, all current facilities debt-free, recently completed remodel and building upgrades debt-free, and   a successfully completed 3-year Phase One Capital Campaign resulting in a considerable head start towards   future expansion needs.
-Current staff includes: Senior/Lead Pastor (position being recruited), full-time Pastor of  Administration and Discipleship, part-time Interim Director of Worship Ministries, and three part-time Administrative Assistants.
-Forty percent of the church congregation comes from young families with children under the age of 18.
-TBC has a passion to truly love our neighbors as ourselves with numerous additional community ministries to   include but not limited to ESL, VBS, School Bible Club, Prison Ministry, International Student Ministry,   Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, M.O.M.s, Grief Counseling, and a Recovery Group.
-Reedsburg is nestled in the beautiful Driftless Region of SW Wisconsin, near Wisconsin Dells, Baraboo and   Madison.

Key Responsibilities:
-Carry out roles of preacher, pastor and leader
-Lead staff and congregation with vision and direction
-With the elder team, ensure pastoral care is provided for the congregation
-Mentor, train and raise up lay leaders and other staff
-Participate and be informed of the organization, ministries and initiatives of the local association, state   convention and national convention

A Strong Candidate Will Be:
-Bible-based Preacher—will deliver engaging sermons with sound doctrine
-Shepherd—will lead and provide pastoral care 
-Healthy—will lead a spiritually, emotionally and physically healthy lifestyle
-Evangelistic—will be gospel-focused and have a history of personal evangelism and leading corporate focus on   missions 
-Leader—will lead in such a way to model the servant leadership of Jesus
-Discipler/Mentor—will develop staff and lay leaders
-Communicator—will communicate clearly and concisely in a loving and biblical manner

To Apply Send:
-The following are considerations our search team would like you to know and desire your feedback:
 –Our current long-term pastor of 28 years feels called to enter a new career pathway. He and his wife plan to have an intentional absence for a period of time to allow the new pastor to establish his leadership. They plan to return to the church as full active members of TBC. What is your view on following a long-term pastor?
–What experience have you had with helping a church move from one to two worship services?
–What is your experience with capital campaigns and building expansion?

Send the above to [email protected]

To apply for this job email your details to personnel@todayschurch.com

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