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Worship Ministry Intern Part Time

Two Rivers Community Church

3400 Little York Rd Dayton, OH 45414




The Music ministry internship at Two Rivers Community Church will provide an opportunity to lead worship on Sunday morning, develop a theology of worship, and benefit from intentional discipleship through the church. Through reading and discussion with pastors, the intern will be able to develop a biblical and theological foundation for the experience gained leading worship on Sunday morning. The selected intern will receive a financial stipend and be expected to be a member of TRCC for the 1 year duration of the internship. All intern duties and responsibilities will be performed under the oversight of TRCC pastors and in tandem with the preaching pastor.

About our church:

TRCC has a church membership of ~40 and averages 40-45 in attendance. We are a Southern Baptist Church which seeks to be actively involved in our local association, the Greater Dayton Association of Baptists. We are Reformed in our beliefs, worship, and practice, seeking to magnify God’s glory, holding to salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. 

We seek to be increasingly faithful to the Scriptures in all matters of faith and practice. We practice a biblical model of meaningful church membership, and a New Testament model of biblical church leadership, being shepherded by a plurality of pastors/elders. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the basis for our standing with God and shapes the life of the church. Located in a community with deep spiritual needs, there are great opportunities for the spiritual and numerical growth of our church through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


The purpose of our worship team: As a worship team we seek to magnify the greatness of God in Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, by the psalms, hymns and spiritual songs we lead the church to sing.  Our desire is to lead with sufficient skill so as to be an encouragement and not a distraction.  Our ultimate hope is that as a church body we would be able to delight in the Lord together.

1.  The Worship Ministry Intern will be accountable to the Elders/Pastors.  In conjunction with the lead Elder/Pastor, he will assist in planning the songs, prayers, Scripture readings, and confessions of faith that make up the Sunday worship and other special events.

2.  The Worship Ministry Intern will give leadership in helping the Worship team prepare for the worship service, including the selection of new songs.

3.  The Worship Ministry Intern will give leadership in leading the congregation in our times of corporate worship.

4. Attend weekly workshops and discussions with our preaching pastor to discuss the reading material.


Meet biblical qualifications for a Deacon as required in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 (Though this is not a deacon position, we believe it prudent for individuals in prominent positions of service within the church to be held to this biblical standard.)
A deep commitment to Christ and a passion for God’s glory and the gospel. 
Committed to his own family if married, leading them faithfully
 Sufficient musical skill in both singing and the playing of an instrument 
 Some experience in serving on a worship team.

Time Commitment: 6-8 hrs/ wk

Stipend: $500/mo 

Stipend will be paid as an employee wage subject to payroll taxes and necessary withholdings.

If you have a heart for faithfully serving Christ and His church, we encourage you to apply for this position. 

Please send questions and resumes to [email protected] 


Quick facts about TRCC
• TRCC began meeting as a church on Easter Sunday 4 April 1993 and eventually constituted on 27 July 2003.
• TRCC currently has a membership & attendance of ~40-45
• TRCC is Elder led with 3 men currently serving: Jon Hardesty (lead pastor), Jeremiah Mattingly and Steve English. 
• TRCC currently has 2 Deacons serving: Josh Lum and Matthew McGlocklin
• TRCC is a mission minded church, both U.S. and International: 

-We have sponsored 4 church plants: two in Dayton, Ohio, one in Loveland, Ohio and one in Jasper, Indiana
-We have sent members on short mission trips to Nepal, Hungary, Ecuador, France, Mexico, Paraguay, Jamaica, China, and Taiwan. 

-In August of 2009, sent out a long-term missionary to Taiwan. 

• TRCC age demographics: 

50+: 39% 
30-50: 26% 
16-30: 17% 
Children: 19%

• Please visit www.tworiverscc.org to find out more information 

To apply for this job email your details to tworiverscc@gmail.com

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