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Pastor Full Time

White Sulphur Springs Baptist Church

201 Willow Street, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986



Position available: Pastor Qualifications: Seasoned, Holy Spirit led, Stands on God’s Holy Word… Number of Services: Three (3) each week plus Sunday School (Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening& Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study) Basic Biblical Principles:

Salary Low $40k

We believe in Creation – Genesis 1:1
We believe that God always was and always will be – John 1:1 and the Holy Bible is God’s Word.
We believe God’s Holy Word is the infallible authority…
II Timothy 3:16
We believe in the Love of the Lord – John 3:16; We believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ-He paid the price for our sins and Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ and is the ONLY way to heaven.
We believe in baptism through immersion as an outward sign of the inward change.
We believe that marriage was instituted and designed by God between a man and a woman – Genesis 2:18-25
We believe that God unequivocally forbids homosexual activity – Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 8:5-8; Galatians 5:19-21; Jude 1:7
We believe that God loves the sinner but hates the sin.

Background: White Sulphur Springs Baptist Church was founded in 1956 by Ms. Oda Linkous. The Church Building was built 1969. The sanctuary has the capacity to seat approximately 100. Ministries include, but not limited to – Church Choir, Youth Program, AWANA, Church Bus Ministry, Tracts Ministry, Good News Club, and Vacation Bible School. We are a loving/praying church. Covid has taken its toll on our attendance, however, we know that God is in control. Churches in the community include:

First Baptist Church-Pastor Greg Scott
The Redemption Center (non-denominational)-Pastor Garrett Bostic
The Church of Bethesda – Pastor Chad Dingess
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Community: The Community of White Sulphur Springs is experiencing a long-awaited rebirth with businesses adorning the store fronts along Main Street. These businesses include, but are not limited to, Barnwood Living, Ace Hardware, The Pinoy Store, Tootsie’s Café, Paws Spa Dog Grooming, Cross Creek Café, the Village Square, several restaurants White Sulphur Springs’ community is home to The Greenbrier Hotel. The Resort encompasses over 6,000 acres, has its own stables, three golf courses and a chapel on property, just to name of few of its many amenities. This resort is over 200 years old and full of a lot of history. This resort is world known and is one of the top employers in the state of WV. There is a new School House Hotel under construction that will offer 30 rooms, a restaurant, a banquet hall and a rooftop view of our community when all finished. This facility will be a fully accessible attraction offering handicap accessibility along with all its amenities. Contact: You may forward your resume electronically to the Pulpit Committee to [email protected]; or mail to the Pulpit Committee at WSS Baptist Church, 201 Willow Street, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986.

To apply for this job email your details to mbgoodell@live.com

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