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Senior Pastor Full Time

Whitefield Baptist Church - Belton, SC

Belton, SC



Whitefield Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist church located in the upstate of South Carolina in Anderson County. Whitefield is an energetic and growing, multi-generational group of believers with an average attendance of 325 in worship. We believe that it is our mission to grow together as a Christ centered family that loves God and loves others. We do this by preaching the Gospel, worshiping together as a family, serving our community, and loving each other.

Senior Pastor Ministry Description & Expectations:

The senior pastor is the senior pastor is the lead preacher, vision-caster and shepherd of Whitefield Baptist Church. In conjunction with our Associate Pastors and Ministry Leaders, he is responsible for leading, supervising and delegating the various ministries of our church.

Together, they should equip the congregation to participate and serve in these ministries. Other expectations are as follows:

  • Collaboration with the staff
  • Encouragement & empowerment of ministerial teams & staff
  • Cultivate a light-hearted, supportive, and positive office culture
  • Devoted to and leads the church in the power of prayer
  • Foster loving fellowship & encouragement within the church
  • Create opportunities and train for evangelism & discipleship
  • Willing and able to articulate and defend a Biblical worldview
  • A proven commitment to expository preaching of the Bible

Senior Pastor Qualifications:

The Senior Pastor is expected to live an exemplary life modeling the calling, character, and competencies which are becoming of a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He should:

  • Love Jesus with his heart, mind, soul, and strength and submit to the Lordship of Christ.
  • Believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God.
  • Exhibit lifestyle and leadership qualities consistent with 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
  • Be in full agreement with “The Baptist Faith & Message (2000)”.
  • Have Senior Pastor experience in a church of comparable size.

Submit applications: [email protected]

To apply for this job email your details to pastorsearch@whitefieldbc.com

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